After a customer has contacted us with a repair request, one of our Service Desk employees goes through an extensive decision tree. In a short time, a task is created that contains all the necessary information, including the location, the part, the defect, and the cause of the defect.
The task is then assigned to the technician, who immediately has all the required information. In most cases, these are technicians from our own service. In some cases, we send one of our partners. These are contractors or companies we have contracted for specific purposes, with whom we have long-standing partnerships. If a job cannot be carried out by our own service, the customer is always seamlessly transferred to our partner.
The technician heads out with the right parts already in the van. Fifteen minutes before arrival, the customer receives a notification. The repair work is carefully documented before, during, and after execution. We do this for our own records and to ensure we can work even more efficiently in the future. The technician only leaves once the issue has been resolved to the customer's satisfaction.